During the Spring 09 semester the Physics Club gained access to Clarkson's observatory. Clarkson has spent several hundred thousand dollars on it, upgrading it with very sophisticated equipment. We have software capable of pointing the telescope to any star, nebula, or cosmic body one could want. In the past Jan Wojcik, the person in charge of the observatory, has worked with students teaching them astrophotography and radiostronomy. He has even worked with students on producing research for Harvard. Every week we meet with him to learn about astronomy, building up our skills so we, and you, can use the facility to its optimum potential.
Check out the gallery for more pictures of the observatory!
Typically we go out to the observatory every Monday at 9pm. Jan also hosts an open sight night every Friday around 8pm. Because astronomy is dependant on weather conditions, these days and times are sometimes forced to be skipped.
NASA astronomy picture of the day. Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
If you are interested in the observatory, you can contact the club for more information.
Star Parties
Periodically during the semester, Physics Club hosts Star Parties on Cheel Lawn. We bring telescopes onto the lawn for people to look at astronomical objects and have a screen to show images taken by our camera. These events are open to the Clarkson Community.