Introduction to Turbulence Modeling
The conservation laws for a continuous media are:
Angular Momentum:
Entropy Inequality:
Constitutive Equation
Experimental evidence shows that for a viscous fluid, the stress is
a function of velocity gradient. That is
The velocity gradient term may be decomposed as
where is
the spin tensor. These are given as
The principle of Material Frame-Indifference of continuum mechanics
implies that the stress is generated only by the deformation rate of media
and the spin has no effect. This is because both stress and deformation
rate tensors are frame-indifferent while spin is not. Thus, the general form
of the constitutive equation is given as
For a Newtonian fluid, the constitutive equation is linear and is given as
The entropy inequality imposed the following restrictions on the
coefficient of viscosity:
Using the constitutive equation in the balance of momentum leads to the
celebrated Navier-Stokes equation. For an incompressible fluid the Navier-Stokes
and the continuity equations are given as
These form four equations for evaluating four unknowns