Title: "Collaborative
Research: Sense-and-Act Systems for Substance Release Modeling Drug
Delivery Triggered by Immune-Sensing Based on Nanostructured Electrodes" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: CBET-1403208 Time Period: 09/01/14 - 08/31/17 |
Title: "Remote
controlled drug delivery material: biocatalytic mechanisms of drug
release triggered by magnetic field" Co-PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: DRM-1309469 Time Period: 09/01/13 - 08/31/16 |
Title: "Collaborative
Research: Multi-Input Biosensors with Built-In Logic" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: CBET-1066397 Time Period: 09/01/11 - 08/31/14 |
Title: "REU
Supplement: Collaborative
Research: Multi-Input Biosensors with Built-In Logic" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: CBET-1066397 Time Period: 06/12/12 - 08/31/14 |
Title: "Signal-Responsive
Hybrid Biomaterials with Built-in Boolean Logic" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: DMR-0706209 Time Period: 07/01/07 - 06/30/10 |
Title: "Biochemical
Computing: Experimental and Theoretical Development of Error Correction
and Digitalization Concepts" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: CCF-0726698 Time Period: 09/15/07 - 08/31/10 |
Title: "SHF:
Small: Experimental and Theoretical Development of Error Correction and
Digitalization Concepts for Multi-Enzyme Biomolecular Computing Networks" PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: CCF-1015983 Time Period: 09/01/10 - 08/31/13 |
Title: "Collaborative:
Bringing Nanotechnology Into the Classroom: From a Doctoral Institution
to Four and Two Year Colleges" Co-PI: E. Katz Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: DUE-0737395 Time Period: 05/01/08 - 04/30/11 |
Title: "Integrated
Enzyme-Logic Systems for "Sense and Treat" Injured Soldiers" Co-PI: E. Katz Agency: Office of Naval Research (ONR) Award No: N00014-08-1202 Time Period: 09/01/08 - 08/31/12 |
Title: "Smart
Responsive Nanocomposites for Soldier Protection" Co-PI: E. Katz Agency: US Army Research Office (USAR) Award No: W911NF-05-1-0339 Time Period: 06/12/09 - 09/30/11 |
Title: "Biomolecular
Computing Systems and Their Interfacing with Si-Based Electronics" PI: E. Katz Agency: Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Award No: 2008-RJ-1839G Time Period: Unrestricted award |
Title: "Analysis
of Pt Electrode Surface Area" PI: E. Katz Agency: Advanced Bionics Award No: N/A Time Period: 07/15/09 - 09/14/10 |
Title: "Instigation
of Charged Species Delivery in Oral Cavity via Iontophoresis" PI: E. Katz Agency: Proctor & Gamble (P&G) Award No: N/A Time Period: 09/29/08 - 03/30/11 |
Title: "Micro
and Nano-Biocomputing Systems: Interfacing between Enzyme Logic
Micro/Nanosytems and Signal-Responsive Nanostructured Materials" PI: E. Katz Agency: United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Award No: 2008039 Time Period: 08/01/09 - 07/30/13 |
Title: "Graduate student W. H.
Coulter Foundation Fellowship" Agency: Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Award No: N/A Time Period: 09/01/07 - 03/30/11 |