Particle Deposition Mechanisms: Impaction
Deposition by Inertia Impaction
Impaction on Sphere in Cross Flow
In this section deposition on a sphere in cross flow as shown in Figure 1 is studied.
Calculation Model |
Inertia Impaction
Figure 1. Particle deposition by impaction on a sphere in cross flow.
For particle impaction on a sphere in cross flow, assuming an inviscid
flow model, Langmair and Bladgett (1948) found that the capture efficiency is given by
where Stokes Number is defined as
Here a is the radius of the sphere, U is the flow velocity, d is the
particle diameter, and is
the particle relaxation time. The variation of capture efficiency
as given by Equation (1) is shown in Figure 2, and the result is compared
with the experimental data of Walton and Woolcock (1960), and the
prediction of a viscous flow model. It is seen that the inviscid
flow model given by Equation (1) is in reasonable agreement with the
data of Walton and Woolcock (1960). The viscous flow model
underestimates the experimental data. The earlier data of
Ranz and Wong (1952) suggest higher level of deposition that is
predicted by the inviscid flow model.