Hydrodynamic Forces and Torques for a Nonspherical Particle
Prolate Spheroid Translating in a Quiescent Fluid
The motion of a rigid prolate spheroid parallel to its axis of revolution as shown in
Figure 4 is studied in this section. The appropriate coordinates system for this problem
is the prolate coordinate system with
Figure 4. Schematic of a prolate spheroids in creeping flow motion.
For convenience, we let
The surface .
( ) are prolate spheroids.
Then and z may be expressed as
Similar to the method used for the oblate spheroid, one can solve the equation of
creeping motion in prolate spheroidal coordinates subject to appropriate boundary conditions.
The stream function for a prolate spheroid translating with velocity U in the positive z-direction
parallel to its axis of revolution is given as
Using this expression in Equation (8), one obtains the force acting
on the prolate spheroid, that is
and .
Equation (47) may be restated as
where the shape factor k is given by
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