Yapa, P.D. (2011), "Modeling Oil Spills to Mitigate Coastal Pollution" in H.J.S. Fernando (ed), Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics, Taylor & Francis Books Inc.
Yapa, P.D., and Shen,H.T. (1988). "River Ice Processes" in N. Cheremisinoff (ed), Civil Engineering Practice, Technomic Publishing, Lancaster, PA, June, 469-492.
Nissanka I. D., and Yapa, P. D. (2017) "Oil slicks on water surface: Breakup, coalescence, and droplet formation under breaking waves," Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier. Vol (114), pp 480-493
Premathilake, L. T., Yapa, P. D., Nissanka I. D., and Kumarage, P. (2016) "Impact on Water Surface due to Deepwater Gas Blowouts," Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier. Vol (112), pp 365-374
Premathilake, L. T., Yapa, P. D., Nissanka I. D., and Kumarage, P. (2016) "Modeling the flow regime near the source in underwater gas releases ,"Journal of Marine Science and Applications, Vol (15), pp 433-441
Nissanka, I. D., and Yapa, P. D., (2016). "Calculation of oil droplet size distribution in an underwater oil well blowout ,"Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR /Taylor and FrancisVol 54, No. 3, pp 307-320
Wimalaratne, M. R., Yapa, P. D., Nakata, K., and Premathilake, L. T., (2015). "Transport of dissolved gas and its ecological impact after a gas release from deepwater,"Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier,100 (1), 279-288
Dissanayake,A. L., Yapa, P. D., and Nakata, K., (2014). "Simulation of Hydrothermal Vents in the Izena Cauldron, Mid Okinawa trough, Japan and other Pacific Locations," Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, IAHR/Elsevier, Vol 8, pp. 343-357
Dissanayake, A. L., Yapa, P. D., and Nakata, K., (2014). "Modeling of Hydrothermal Vent Plumes to Assess the Mineral Particle Distribution," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 52, No. 1 (2014), pp. 49-66
Yapa, P. D., and Dissanayake, A. L (2012). "Discussion on A Model to Simulate the Transport and Fate of Gas and Hydrates Released in Deepwater," Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, IAHR, Vol. 50, No. 6 (2012), pp. 646-649
Yapa, P.D., Wimalaratne, M.R., Dissanayake, A.L., and De Graff Jr., J.A (2012). "How does oil and gas behave when spilled underwater," Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, IAHR/Elsevier, 6, 275-285[3rd most downloaded paper in 2013 out of all the papers published in this journal]
Dissanayake, A.L., De Graff Jr., J.A., Yapa, P.D., Nakata, K., Ishihara, Y., and Yabe, I. (2012). "Modeling the Impact of CO2 Releases in Kagoshima Bay,Japan," Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, IAHR/Elsevier, 6(2012), 195-208
Bandara, U.C., Yapa, P.D., and Xie, H., (2011). "Fate and Transport of Oil in Sediment Laden Marine Waters," Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, IAHR/Elsevier, 5, 145-156
Bandara, U.C., and Yapa, P.D., (2011). "Bubble Sizes, Break-up and coalescence in Deepwater Gas/Oil Plumes," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 137, 729-738
Yapa, P.D., Dasanayaka, L.K., Bandara U.C., and Nakata, K. (2010). "A Model to Simulate the Transport and Fate of Gas and Hydrates Released in Deepwater, " Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR. October, 48(5), 559-572
Dasanayaka, L.K., and Yapa, P.D., (2009). "Role of Plume Dynamics on the Fate of Oil and Gas Released Underwater," Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, IAHR/Elsevier, March, 243-253 [4th most cited paper in 2013 out of the papers published in this journal since 2008]
Nakata, K., Yapa, P.D., Dasanayaka, L.K., Bandara, U.C., and Suzuki, S (2008). "Shinkaiiki kara rouhi ni shite methan gasu kyodou soku modaruno kaihatsu -in Japanese (English translation :A Model for Methane gas in Deepwater)," Aquabiology, Seibutsu Kenkyusha, Tokyo, Japan, August, Vol.30.,No.4
Xie, H., Yapa, P.D., and Nakata, K. (2007). "Modeling Emulsification after an Oil Spill in the Sea," Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier,68(2007),489-506
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P. D., (2006). "Estimating the Oil Droplet Size Distributions in Deepwater Oil Spills," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering , ASCE, (accepted for publication)
Xie, H. and Yapa, P. D. (2006) "Developing A Web-Based System For Large Scale Environmental Hydraulics Problems With An Application To Oil Spill Modeling, , Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, May, Vol. 20 (3), 197-209
Yapa, P.D. and Chen, F.H. (2004). "Behavior of Oil and Gas from Deepwater Blowouts," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,ASCE, June, 540-553
Chen, F.H., Yapa, P.D. and Nakata, K. (2004). "Simulating the Biological Effect of Oil Spills in Tokyo Bay by Using A Coupled Oil Spill - Toxicity Model,"Journal of Advanced Marine Science Technology, AMTEC, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 9 (2), 131-155
Xie, H. and Yapa, P.D. (2004). "Simulating the Behavior and the Environmental Effect of Sediment Plumes from Deepwater Mining," Journal of Advanced Marine Science Technology, AMTEC, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 9 (1), 7-35
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P.D. (2004). "Modeling Gas Separation from a Bent Deepwater Oil and Gas Jet/Plume," Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier, the Netherlands, Vol. 45 (3-4),189-203
Shen, H.T., Qing, X., and Yapa, P.D., (2003). "Lampricide Transport in Upper St. Marys River,"Journal of Great Lakes Research, Vol. 29 (Supl), 694-705
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P.D. (2003). "Three-Dimensional Visualization of Multi-Phase (Oil/Gas/Hydrate) Plumes,"Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software , Elsevier, the Netherlands, Vol. 19, 751-760
Zheng, L., Yapa, P.D. and Chen, F.H. (2003). "A Model for Simulating Deepwater Oil and Gas Blowouts - Part I: Theory and Model Formulation,"Journal of Hydraulic Research ,IAHR, August, Vol. 41(4), 339-351
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P.D. (2003). "A Model for Simulating Deepwater Oil and Gas Blowouts - Part II: Comparison of Numerical Simulations with "Deepspill" Field Experiments," Journal of Hydraulic Research,IAHR, August, Vol. 41(4), 353-365
Yapa, P. D., H. Xie (2002). Modeling Underwater Oil/Gas Jets and Plumes : Comparison with Field Data,"Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE,September, 855-860
Zheng, L. and Yapa, P.D. (2002). "Modeling Gas Dissolution in Deepwater Oil/Gas Spills," Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier, the Netherlands, March, 299-309
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P.D. (2001). "Estimating Hydrate Formation and Decomposition of Gases Released in a Deepwater Ocean Plume," Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier, the Netherlands, Vol.30/1-2, 21-32
Yapa, P. D., Zheng, L, and Chen, F.H. (2001). "A Model for Deepwater Oil/Gas Blowouts," Marine Pollution Bulletin, Marine Pollution Bulletin, (The International Journal for Marine Environmental Scientists/Engineers), Elsevier Science Publications, UK, Vol.43, No.7, 234-241
Zheng, L. and Yapa, P.D. (2000). "Buoyant Velocity of Spherical and Non-Spherical Bubbles/ Droplets," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, November,852-855
Yapa, P.D., Zheng, L., and Nakata, K. (1999). "Modeling Underwater Oil/Gas Jets and Plumes," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, May, 481-491
Yapa, P.D., and Zheng, L., (1998). "Modeling Oil and Gas Jets from Underwater Accidents : A Review," Journal of Spill Science and Technology, Elsevier, U.K., December, 189-199
Zheng, L., And Yapa, P.D., (1998). "Simulation of Oil Spills from Underwater Accidents II: Model Verification," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, February, 117-134.
Yapa, P.D., and Zheng, L., (1997). "Simulation of Oil Spills from Underwater Accidents I: Model Development," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, October, 673-688
Yapa, P.D., and Weerasuriya, S.A., (1997)."Spreading of Oil Spilled under Floating Broken Ice," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, August, 676-683.
Yapa, P.D. (editor and contributor), (1996). "State-of-the-Art Review of Modeling Transport and Fate of Oil Spills," by the ASCE Task Committee on Modeling of Oil Spills, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Double Length Paper, November, 594-609.
Yapa, P.D., Zheng, L., and Kobayashi, T., (1996). "Application of Linked-List Approach to Pollutant Transport Models," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, January, 88-90.
Shen, H.T., Yapa, P.D., and Zhang, B.Z., (1995). "A Simulation Model for Chemical Spills in the Upper St. Lawrence River," Journal of Great Lakes Research, December, 652-664
Yapa, P.D., and Shen, H.T., (1994). "Modeling of Spills in Rivers: A Review," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, October, 765-782.
Yapa, P.D., (1994). "Oil Spill Processes and Model Development," Journal of Advanced Marine Technology, AMTEC, Tokyo, Japan, March, 1-22.
Yapa, P.D., Shen, H.T., and Angammana, K., (1994). "Modeling Oil Spills in a River-Lake System," Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier, the Netherlands, March, 453-471.
Yapa, P.D., and Belaskas, D.P., (1993). "Radial Spreading of Oil Under and Over Broken Ice: An Experimental Study," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, December, 910-922.
Weerasuriya, S.A., and Yapa, P.D., (1993). "Uni-directional Spreading of Oil under Solid Ice," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, February, 50-56.
Yapa, P.D., Shen, H.T., Wang, D.S., and Angammana, K., (1992). "An Integrated Computer Model for Simulating Oil Spills in the St. Lawrence River," Journal of Great Lakes Research, 18(2), 34-51.
Yapa, P.D., and Chowdhury, T., (1990). "Spreading of Oil Under Ice Covers," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, December, 1468-1483.
Yapa, P.D., Thomas, R.J., Rutherford, R.S. and Shen, H.T., (1989). "A Microcomputer Model for Oil Spill Simulation (MICROSS)," Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, January, 33-46.
Shen, H.T., and Yapa, P.D., (1988). "Oil Slick Transport in Rivers," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, May, 529-543.
Shen, H.T., Yapa, P.D., and Petroski, M.E., (1987). "A Simulation Model for Oil Slick Transport in Lakes," Water Resources Research, 23(10), October, 1949-1957.
Yapa, P.D., and Shen, H.T., (1986). "Unsteady Flow Simulation for an Ice-Covered River," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, November, 1036-1049.
Shen, H.T., and Yapa, P.D., (1986). "Flow Resistance of a River Ice Cover," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, February, 142-156.
Shen, H.T., and Yapa, P.D., (1985). "A Unified Degree-Day Method for River Ice Cover Thickness Simulation," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, March, 54-62.
Yapa, P.D., and Shen, H.T., (1984). "Effect of Ice Cover on Hydropower Production," Journal of Energy Engineering, ASCE, 110(3), September, 231-234.
Das Gupta, A., and Yapa, P.D., (1982). "Salt Water Encroachment in an Aquifer: A Case Study," Water Resources Research, 18(3), June, 546-556.
Yapa, P.D., (2005). “Discussion of Development and Application of Oil Spill Model for Singapore Coastal Waters,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Jan., 131(1), 69-72.
Zhneg, Li, and Yapa, P.D., (1999). "Discussion on Simulation of Oil Spills from Underwater Accidents I: Model Development," Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, June.
Yapa, P.D., Angammana, K., and Shen, H.T., (1994). "Discussion on Mesh Generation for Estuarine and Flow Modeling," by N.L. Jones and D.R. Richards (Paper No. 3194), Journal of Waterways, Port and Coastal Engineering, ASCE, May/June.
Premathilake, L. T., Yapa, P. D. (2016). "Modeling of Oil Spreading Under Ice Covers Using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics", Proceedings, International Symposium on Outfall Systems, 2016, sponsored by IAHR and IWA, May 10th-13th,Ottawa, Canada (accepted)
Nissanka, I. D., Yapa, P. D. (2016). "Oil droplet breakup and coalescence in surface slick under breaking waves", Proceedings, International Symposium on Outfall Systems, 2016, sponsored by IAHR and IWA, May 10th-13th,Ottawa, Canada (accepted)
Kumarage, P., Yapa, P. D. (2016). "Modelling Ocean Acidification due to Release of CO2 Droplets from a Hydrothermal System", Proceedings, International Symposium on Outfall Systems, 2016, sponsored by IAHR and IWA, May 10th-13th,Ottawa, Canada (accepted)
Wimalaratne, M. R., Yapa, P. D. (2016). "A model for assessment of ecological impact from gas releases in deepwater", Proceedings, International Symposium on Outfall Systems, 2016, sponsored by IAHR and IWA, May 10th-13th,Ottawa, Canada (accepted)
Nissanka, I. D., Yapa, P. D. (2015). "Oil Droplet Size Calculation with and without Dispersants in an Underwater Well Blowout", Proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, June 28 \96 July 3, 2015,The Hague, the Netherlands
Yapa, P. D. (2014). "Oil Spill Processes and Modeling (State of the Art)", Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics,Singapore, January 7-9, 2014.
Dissanayake, A. L., Yapa, P. D. (2014). "A Model to Simulate Mineral Particles Distribution in Hydrothermal Vents", Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics,Singapore, January 7-9, 2014.
Wimalaratne, M. R., Yapa, P. D. (2014). "A Model for Ecological Impact Assessment from Methane Releases in Deepwater", Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics,Singapore, January 7-9, 2014.
Yapa, P. D, Dasanayaka, A. L., Nakata, K., and Ishihara, Y. (2010). “Modelling the Impact of CO2 Releases Underwater,” Proceedings, 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics,Athens,Greece,June 23-25,2010
Yapa, P. D, Nakata, K., Dasanayaka, L.K., and Bandara, U.C. (2008). “A Model for Gas and Hydrates Plumes in Deep Ocean,” Proceedings, OCEANS,'08 MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno Ocean '082, Kobe, Japan, April.
Yapa, P. D, and Dasanayaka, L. K. (2006). “State-of-the-art Review of Modelling Oil Transport and Spreading in Ice Covered Waters,” Proceedings, 23rd Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Vancouver, B.C , Canada, June.
Yapa, P. D. and Xie, H. (2004). "Web Based Numerical Modeling: An Environmental Hydraulics Application," Proceedings, 6th INternational Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, May 2004.
Yapa, P. D., Chen, F.H., and Beegle Krause, C.J. (2003). "Integration of the CDOG Deep Water Oil and Gas Blowout Model with the NOAA GNOME Trajectory Model," Proceedings, 26th Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Victoria, B.C., Canada, June.
Zheng, L. and Yapa, P.D. (2000). "Modelling a Deepwater Oil/Gas Spill under Conditions of Gas Hydrate Formation and Decomposition," Proceedings, 23rd Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Vancouver, B.C , Canada, June.
Chen, F.H. and Yapa, P.D. (2000). "Estimating the Mortality to Aquatic Biota from Oil Releases under Water," Proceedings, 23rd Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Vancouver, B.C , Canada,June.
Zheng, L. and Yapa, P.D. (1999). "A Model for Simulating Deepwater Blowouts and a Parametric Analysis," Proceedings, 22nd Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June.
Zheng, L., and Yapa, P.D. (1997). "Simulation of Oil Spills from Deep Water Blow-Outs," Proceedings, International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) Conference, 27th Congress, San Francisco, CA, August.
Yapa, P.D. and Kobayashi, T. (1997). "Oil Removal from Beaches: An Experimental Study," Proceedings, International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) Conference, 27th Congress, San Francisco, CA, August.
Zheng, L., and Yapa, P.D. (1997). "A Numerical Model for Buoyant Oil Jets and Smoke Plumes," Proceedings, 20th Arctic Marine Oil Spills Technical Program, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June.
Yapa, P.D., Shen, H.T., and Angammana, K. (1993). "Modeling Oil Spills in a River-Lake System," Proceedings, Oil Spill Conference - 1993, Sponsored by U.S. Coast Guard , EPA, and API, Tampa, FL, March 1993, 611-616.
Yapa, P.D., and Perry, J.B., (1991). "Lagrangian Transport Simulation using Video Images to Store and Retrieve Parameters," Proceedings, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling , ASCE, Tampa, FL, November, 13-25.
Yapa, P.D., Wang, D.S., Shen, H.T., Yang, X.Q., and Perry, J.B. (1991). "An Integrated Model for Fate and Transport of Oil in Rivers," Proceedings, ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, Nashville, TN, July, 638-643.
Yapa, P.D., Shen, H.T., Daly, S., and Hung, S.H., (1991). "Oil Spill Simulation in Rivers," Proceedings, Oil Spill Conference - 1991, Sponsored by U.S. Coast Guard, EPA, and API, San Diego, CA, March, 593-600.
Yapa, P.D.,Dasanayaka, L. K., and Bandara, U.C., and Nakata, K. (2008). “Modeling the Impact of an Accidental Release of Methane Gas in Deepwater,” Proceedings, OCEANS '08 MTS/IEEE, Qubec, Canada, September.
Suzuki, S., Sukizaki, S., Ishara, Y., Yabe, I., Nakata, K., Yapa, P.D., Dasanayaka, L.K., Bandara, U.C., (2008).“Research Activities by the Marine Environment Survey and Assessment Subgroup in the research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources (MH21 Project) in Japan,“ Proceedings , OCEANS '08 MTS/IEEE, Quebec, Canada, September
Rahha, K. A., Yapa, P.D., El-Sammak, A., and Dasanayaka, L.K. (2005). “Study on the Movement of Natural Gas Oil Seepage from underwater sources South of Kuwait” Proceedings, Arabian Coast Conference 2005, Dubai, November 27-29 2005
Yapa, P.D., Beegle-Krause, C.J., Xie, H., and O’Connor, C. (2005). “Integrating CDOG and GNOME - for Simulating Complete Behavior of Oil and Gas from Deepwater Blowouts – Phase II,” Proceedings, 7th International Marine and Environmental Conference, Helsinki, Finland, August.
Dasanayaka, L. K., Yapa, P. D., and Xie, H. (2005). “The Effect of Plume Dynamics on the Overall Plume Behavior in Deepwater Oil and Gas Releases,” Proceedings, 7th International Marine and Environmental Conference Helsinki, Finland, August 2005
Yapa P. D. and Chen, F.H., (2002). “Verification and Simulations of Deepwater Blowouts Using CDOG,” Proceedings, 6th International Marine Environmental Conference, Trondheim, Norway, September, 237-254.
Xie, H. and Yapa P. D. (2002). “Simulating the Behavior and the Environmental Effects of Sediment Plumes from Manganese Nodule Mining,” Proceedings, 6th International Marine Environmental Conference, Trondheim, Norway, September, 115-136.
Yapa, P. D., Zheng, L, and Chen, F.H. (2000). "A Model for Deep Water Oil/Gas Well Blowouts," Proceedings, 4th International Marine Environmental Conference, Athens, Greece, October.
Zheng, L., and Yapa, P.D. (1996). "A Three-Dimensional Oil Spill Model," Proceedings, Water Forum '96, ASCE, Anaheim, CA, June.
Kobayashi, T., and Yapa, P.D. (1995). "Modeling Oil Shoreline Interaction," Proceedings, International Conference on Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, ASCE, San Antonio, TX, August 1995.
Zheng, L., Kobayashi, T., and Yapa, P.D. (1995). "Application of Linked-List Approach to Pollutant Transport Models," Proceedings, International Conference on Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, ASCE, San Antonio, TX, August 1995, 1668-1672.
Angammana, K.S., Yapa, P.D., and Shen, H.T. (1994). "An Integrated Shell (ROSS3) for Transport Modeling, Visualization, and Data Management," Proceedings, National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Buffalo, NY, August, 150-154.
Yapa, P.D., and Weerasuriya, S.A. (1993). "Axi-Symmetrical Spreading of Oil Spilled in Floating Porous Ice," Proceedings, IAHR Conference, 25th Congress, Tokyo, Japan, August 1993, D 23-30.
Shen, H.T., Yapa, P.D., and Zhang, B.Z. (1993). "A Simulation Model for Chemical Spills in Rivers," Proceedings, IAHR Conference, 25th Congress, Tokyo, Japan, August, D 219-226.
Weerasuriya, S.A., and Yapa, P.D. (1992). "Oil Under Ice: Buoyancy Viscous Spreading," Proceedings, Water Forum '92, ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, Baltimore, MD, July.
Belaskas, D.P., and Yapa, P.D. (1990). "Oil Spreading in Ice Covered Waters," Proceedings, ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, San Diego, CA, July, 26-31.
Shen, H.T., Yapa, P.D., Wang, D.S. and Yang, X.Q. (1990). "A Mathematical Model for Transport and Mixing of Oil Slicks in Rivers," Proceedings, ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, San Diego, CA, July, 75-80.
Yapa, P.D., and Chowdhury, T. (1989). "Oil Spreading Under Ice Covers," Proceedings, Oil Spill Conference - 1989, Sponsored by U.S. Coast Guard, EPA, and API, February, 161-166.
Yapa, P.D., Thomas, R.J., Rutherford, R.S. and Shen, H.T. (1988). "Interactive Use of Micro-Computers in Oil Spill Simulation," Proceedings, Fifth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Alexandria, VA, March, 710-719.
Shen, H.T., Yapa, P.D., and Petroski, M.E. (1987). "A Computer Model for Oil Spills in Lakes," Proceedings, Symposium on Monitoring, Modeling and Mediating Water Quality, AWRA, Syracuse, NY, May.
Yapa, P.D., and Shen, H.T. (1986). "A Computer Model for Oil Slick Transport in Rivers," Proceedings, ASCE Conference Water Forum '86, Long Beach, California, August, 1815-1822.
Yapa P.D., and Shen, H.T. (1984). "An Unsteady Flow Model of River Ice Hydraulics," Proceedings, 7th IAHR Symposium on Ice, Hamburg, West Germany, August.
Shen, H.T. and Yapa, P.D. (1984). "Computer Simulation of Ice Cover Formation in the Upper St. Lawrence River," Proceedings, Third Workshop on the Hydraulics of River Ice, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, June.
Yapa, P.D. and Shen, H.T. (1983). "Roughness Characteristics of the Upper St. Lawrence River Ice Cover," Proceedings, XXth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Moscow, U.S.S.R., September, I88-I89.
Shen, H.T. and Yapa, P.D. (1983). "Simulating Growth, Decay and Break-up of the St. Lawrence River Ice Cover," Proceedings, 6th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, June.
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