Conference Papers
Weiming Wu (2017). “Simplified physically-based modeling of levee breach on Sutter Bypass Channel.” E-proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 13–18.
Yavuz Ozeren, Daniel G. Wren, and Weiming Wu (2016). “Wave setup on vegetated beach: laboratory experiments.” Proc. Int. Conference on Coastal Engineering, Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 17-20.
Chamil Perera and Weiming Wu (2016). “Erosion coefficients of cohesive sediments.” Proc. the 2016 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, West palm Beach, FL, USA, May 22-26.
Weiming Wu, Yavuz Ozeren, Qin Chen, Ranjit Jadhav, and Daniel Wren (2016). “Laboratory and field investigations of wave attenuation by live marsh vegetation.” Proc. the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13.
Weiming Wu (2015). “3-D numerical modeling of undertow current and sediment transport in surf zone.” Proc. 2015 International Conference on Coastal Sediments, San Diego, CA.
Qianru Lin and Weiming Wu (2013). “A formula for multiple-sized near-bed suspended-load concentration under current and waves.” Proc. 35th IAHR Congress, Chengdu, China, Sept. 8-13.
Weiming Wu (2013). “An explicit finite-volume depth-averaged 2-D model of morphodynamic processes near marsh edges and vegetation patches.” Proc. 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 1-5.
Weiming Wu (2013). “A 3-D phase-averaged model for shallow water flow with waves in vegetated water.” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Coastal Dynamics, Arcachon, France.
Weiming Wu and Qianru Lin (2012). “Nonuniform sediment transport under current and waves.” Proc. 33rd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain.
Reza Marsooli and Weiming Wu (2012). “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of dam break flow based on a volume of fluid approach”, Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, USA, June 4 – 6.
Podjanee Inthasaro and Weiming Wu (2012). “A 1-D aquatic ecosystem/ecotoxicology model in open channels”, Proc. 2012 International Symposium on Public Health and Environmental Protection, Macau, China, May 28-30.
Weiming Wu and Qianru Lin (2011). “An implicit 3-D finite-volume coastal hydrodynamic model.” Proc., 7th Int. Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, September 6-8, Beijing, China.
Yan Ding and Weiming Wu (2011). “Development and validation of a wave-action model for simulating wave attenuation due to vegetation.” Proc., ASCE 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 22-26, Palm Springs, California.
Soumendra N. Kuiry, Weiming Wu and Yan Ding (2011). “A hybrid finite-volume finite-difference scheme for one-dimensional Boussinesq equations to simulate wave attenuation due to vegetation.” Proc., ASCE 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 22-26, Palm Springs, California.
Reza Marsooli, Mingliang Zhang, and Weiming Wu (2011). “Vertical and horizontal two-dimensional numerical modeling of dam-break flow over fixed beds.” Proc. 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 22-26, Palm Springs, CA.
Weiming Wu and Yunghee Kang (2011). “A simplified breaching model for cohesive embankments.” Proc. 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 22-26, Palm Springs, CA.
Weiming Wu and Nicholas C. Kraus (2011). “A depth-averaged 2-D simulation for coastal barrier breaching processes.” Proc. Int. Symposium on Coastal Sediments, May 2-6, Miami, FL.
Wu, W., Sanchez, A., and Zhang, M. (2010). “An implicit 2-D depth-averaged finite-volume model of flow and sediment transport in coastal waters.” Proc. 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, June 30-July 5, Shanghai, China. Paper #: Sediment.23. Retrieved from
Weiming Wu (2010). “A depth-averaged 2-D model of coastal levee and barrier island breach processes,” Proc. 2010 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 16-20, Providence, RI (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu, Yunghee Kang, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2009). “An earthen embankment breach model,” Proc. 33rd Congress of IAHR, Vancouver, Canada, August 10-14 (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu, Zhiguo He, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2009). “A depth-averaged 2-D model of non-cohesive dam/levee breach processes,” Proc. 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 17-21, Kansas City, MO (on CD-Rom).
Zhiguo He, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2009). “Prediction of changes in soil moisture due to rainfall, infiltration, and evapotranspiration using a physically-based model,” Proc. 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 17-21, Kansas City, MO (on CD-Rom).
Podjanee Inthasaro, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2009). “One-dimensional modeling of water quality and aquatic ecosystems in streams,” Proc. 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 17-21, Kansas City, MO (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu, Zhiguo He, and F. Douglas Shields, Jr. (2008). “Numerical analysis of effects of large woody structures on channel morphology and fish habitat suitability in Little Tophashaw Creek,” Presented at the Conference of The National Sedimentation Laboratory: 50 Years of Soil and Water Research in a Changing Agricultural Environment, September 3-5, Oxford, MS. (on CD-Rom)
Jaswant Singh, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2008). “Simulations of saline and turbid gravity currents using a subgrid model,” Proc. 2008 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 12-16, Hawaii (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu and Sam S. Y. Wang (2008). “Simulation of morphological evolution near sediment mining pits using a 1-D mixed-regime flow and sediment transport model,” Proc. 2008 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 12-16, Hawaii (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2007). “Simulation of dam-break flow using a depth-averaged 2-D model,” Proc. 32nd IAHR Congress, Venice, Italy.
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2007). “1-D simulation of morphological evolution near sediment mining pits,” Proc. 10th Int. Symp. on River Sedimentation, Moscow, Russia.
Zhiguo He, Weiming Wu, Yongping Yuan, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2007). “Simulation of soil erosion and sediment transport using a physically-based integrated surface-subsurface model,” Proc. 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 13-19, Tampa, FL (on CD-Rom).
Zhiguo He, Weiming Wu, Yongping Yuan, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2007). “Simulation of rainfall-runoff in the deep hollow lake watershed using an integrated surface-subsurface flow model,” Proc. 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 13-19, Tampa, FL (on CD-Rom).
Weiming Wu, Zhiguo He, and Podjanee Inthasaro (2006). “Aquatic habitat suitability modeling,” Proc. Second US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Eng., Nov. 25-26, Beijing, China.
Zhiguo He, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “A coupled numerical model for two-dimensional surface and three-dimensional subsurface flows,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Eng., September 10-13, Philadelphia.
Weiming Wu, Podjanee Inthasaro, Zhiguo He, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “Comparison of 1-D and depth-averaged 2-D fish habitat suitability models,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Eng., September 10-13, Philadelphia.
Weiming Wu, Zhiguo He, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “Flow conveyance and sediment transport capacity in vegetated channels,” Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering, September 10-13, Philadelphia.
Zhiguo He, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “A depth-averaged 2-D analysis of fish habitat suitability impacted by vegetation and sediment,” Proc. 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, Omaha, Nebraska.
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “1-D numerical simulation of morphodynamic processes under dam break and overtopping flows,” Proc. 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, Omaha, Nebraska.
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2006). “Application of a depth-averaged 2-D model in river restoration,” Proc. 2006 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 21-25, Omaha, Nebraska.
Sean J. Bennett, Weiming Wu, Carlos V. Alonso, and Sam S. Y. Wang (2006). “Modeling stream channel adjustment to woody vegetation,” Proc. Joint 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 2–6, Reno, Nevada.
Weiming Wu, Zhiguo He, Sam S.Y. Wang, and F. Douglas Shields, Jr. (2006). “Analysis of aquatic habitat suitability using a depth-averaged 2-D model,” Proc. Joint 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 2–6, Reno, Nevada.
Weiming Wu and Sam S. Y. Wang (2005). “Development and application of NCCHE’s sediment transport models,” Proc. 1st US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Engineering, Oxford, Mississippi, USA, September 19-21. (on CD-Rom)
Sam S.Y. Wang and Weiming Wu (2004). “River sedimentation and morphology modeling,” Keynote Lecture, Proc. Ninth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Yichang, China, October. (on CD-Rom)
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2004). “Empirical-numerical analysis of headcut migration,” Proc. 3rd International Conference on Gully Erosion, April 28-May 1, Oxford, MS. (on CD-Rom)
Weiming Wu, Honghai Qi, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2004). “Depth-averaged 2-D model of tidal flow in estuaries,” Proc. 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27-July 1. (on CD-Rom)
Enhui Jiang, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2004). “Calculation of flow and sediment transport in the lower yellow river using CCHE2Dfvm model,” Proc. 2004 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27-July 1. (on CD-Rom)
Sam S.Y. Wang, Weiming Wu, and Yafei Jia (2003). “Modeling river sedimentation and morphodynamic processes with applications to Mississippi and other rivers,” UNESCO/ICCORES Workshop: From Watershed Slopes to Coastal Areas: Sedimentation Processes at Different Scales, Venice, Italy, December 3-5.
Pingyi Wang, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2003). “Verification of the CCHE1D channel network model using experimental and field data,” Proc. 2003 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia. (on CD-Rom)
Weiming Wu and Sam S. Y. Wang (2003). “Selection and evaluation of nonuniform sediment transport formulas for river modeling,” Proc. XXXth IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 831-838.
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2002). “Prediction of local scour of non-cohesive sediment around bridge piers using FVM-based CCHE2D model,” Proc. First International Conference on Scour of Foundations, Texas A&M University, Nov. 17-20. (on CD Rom)
Dalmo A. Vieira, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2002). “Modeling hydrodynamics and channel morphology using CCHE1D,” Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Hydro-Science and Eng., Warsaw, Poland, September. (on CD Rom)
Sam S. Y. Wang, Weiming Wu, Han-Min Hsia, and Chang-Chi Cheng (2002). “Simulation of flood and sediment routing in the Pa-Chang River and the Pu-Tze River of Taiwan using CCHE1D model,” Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Eng., Warsaw, Poland, September. (on CD Rom)
Abdul A. Khan, Weiming Wu, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2002). “CCHE2D flow and sediment transport model with graphical user interface,” Proc. Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, July 28-August 1, Las Vegas, Nevada. (on CD Rom)
Dalmo A. Vieira and Weiming Wu (2002). “CCHE1D – flow and channel morphology model for channel networks,” Proc. Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, July 28-August 1, Las Vegas, Nevada. (on CD Rom)
Weiming Wu and Sam S.Y. Wang (2002). “CCHE2D nonuniform sediment transport model,” Proc. Second Federal Interagency Hydrological Modeling Conference, July 28-August 1, Las Vegas, Nevada. (on CD Rom)
Weiming Wu, Dalmo A. Vieira, Abdul Khan, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2001). “Sensitivity analysis of the CCHE1D channel network model,” Proc. World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, May. (on CD Rom)
Dalmo A. Vieira, Weiming Wu, and Sam S. Y. Wang (2001). “Modeling of sedimentation processes in channel networks,” Proc. 7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA. (on CD Rom)
Weiming Wu, Dalmo A. Vieira, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2000). “New capabilities of the CCHE1D channel network model,” Proc. ASCE’s 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Minneapolis, USA, July 30-August 3. (on CD-ROM)
Dalmo A. Vieira, Weiming Wu, Abdul Khan, and Sam S.Y. Wang (2000). “Channel network routing of flow and sediment in agricultural watersheds,” Proc. International Conference on Watershed Management and Operations Management, Fort Collins, USA. (on CD-ROM)
Weiming Wu, Sam S.Y. Wang, Yafei Jia, and Kerry M. Robinson (1999). “Numerical simulation of two-dimensional headcut migration,” Proc. 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA. (on CD-ROM)
Weiming Wu, Sam S.Y. Wang, Yafei Jia, and Kerry M. Robinson (1999). “Empirical analysis of headcut migration,” Proc. 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA. (on CD-ROM)
Weiming Wu, Sam S.Y. Wang, and Yafei Jia (1998). “A 2-D non-equilibrium approach for nonuniform sediment transport modeling,” Proc. Water Resources Engineering ‘98, ASCE, Edited by S. R. Abt, J. Young-Pezeshk and C. C. Watson, Vol. 2, pp. 1392-1397.
Weiming Wu, Sam S.Y. Wang, and Yafei Jia (1998). “Incipient motion and bed load transport for nonuniform sediment mixtures,” Proc. Third International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus/Berlin, Germany. (on CD-ROM)
Weiming Wu and Thomas Wenka (1998). “3-D calculation of bed morphology in the case of bed load transport,” Proc. Third International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus/Berlin, Germany. (on CD-ROM)
Weiming Wu, Wolfgang Rodi, and Thomas Wenka (1997). “Three-dimensional calculation of river flow,” Proc. XXVIIth IAHR Congress, Aug. 10-15, San Francisco, USA, pp. 779-784.
Weiming Wu (1996). “Numerical methods on irregular quadrilateral grids,” Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Hydrodynamics, Dec. 16-19, Hong Kong.
Weiming Wu (1996). “Unsteady coordinate transformations and adaptive grid techniques for movable boundary flows,” Proc. Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 16-18, Seoul, Korea.
Yitian Li, Jianhen Xie, and Weiming Wu (1995). “A review of two- and three-dimensional numerical models for sedimentation,” Proc. Second Chinese Conference on Basic Theory of Sediment Transport, Beijing, China, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu and Fenglian Qiu (1995). “The influence of watershed factor variations on the middle and lower yangtze river system,” Proc. Second Chinese Conference on Basic Theory of Sediment Transport, Beijing, China, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu (1994). “AF implicit iteration method for multidimensional partial differential equations,” Proc. 1994 Chinese Conference on Hydrodynamics, Ocean Publish. (in Chinese)
Weiming Wu and Yizhen Zhan (1994). “Governing equations and constitutive relations of diffusion model for water-sediment two-phase flow,” Proc. 1994 Chinese Conference on Hydrodynamics, Ocean Publish, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu (1993). “High-order difference schemes of one-dimensional convection, diffusion and convection-diffusion equations,” Proc. 1993 Chinese Conference on Hydrodynamics, Qinghuangdao, China, pp. 53-59, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu (1993). “Fourth-order difference schemes of convection-diffusion equations,” Proc. Second Chinese Conference on Computational Hydraulics, Wuhan, China, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu and Yitian Li (1993). “The study of horizontal 2-D total sediment mathematical model,” Proc. Second Chinese Conference on Computational Hydraulics, Wuhan, China, (in Chinese).
Yitian Li and Weiming Wu (1992). “Comparison of steady and unsteady sediment mathematical models for hydraulics and bed morphology,” Proc. Int. Symp. on Hydraulic Research in Nature and Laboratory, Vol.2, pp.1-6, Wuhan, China.
Weiming Wu and Yitian Li (1992). “The study and application of one-dimensional numerical model for total-load sediment transport,” Proc. First Chinese Conference on Basic Theory of Sediment Transport, Beijing, China, Vol. 1, pp. 635-642, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu and Yitian Li (1992). “Numerical modeling of long-term detailed bed deformation in long river reach,” Proc. First Annual Meeting of Youth Scientists of Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Beijing, China, Vol.1 (Engineering), pp. 155-159, (in Chinese).
Weiming Wu and Yitian Li (1992). “One- and two-dimensional nesting mathematical model for river flow and sedimentation,” Proc. Fifth Int. Symp. on River Sedimentation, Vol. 1, pp. 547-554, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Yitian Li, Jianhen Xie, and Weiming Wu (1991). “Mathematical simulation of navigation channel changes in the fluctuating backwater region of the Three Gorges Reservoir,” Proc. Int. Symp. on Special Problems of Alluvial Rivers Including Those of International Rivers, Vol. 1, pp. 169-176, Seoul, Korea.
Weiming Wu and Yitian Li (1991). “A finite difference scheme on irregular grids,” Proc. First Chinese Conference on Computational Hydraulics, Vol. 1, pp. 361-367, Dalian, China, (in Chinese).