Pre-Orientation Trip

The Clarkson University Pre-Orientation trip with High Dive is an opportunity for freshman to make friends, make connections with many upperclassman that share their majors. The trip gives new students an ease into their first year at Clarkson University, with the upperclassman providing not only tours of the campus, but a warm welcome to the highdive community. On the pre-orientation trip, students not only learn where their classess will be held, but they also spent time playing games and bonding with the team.

Don't know how to play ultimate? Well no worries! High Dive is a club for folks of all levels experience, from never having thrown a disc to knowing your scoobers from your hammers. All levels are welcome!

To learn more and sign up for High Dive Pre-Orientation, Visit the official Clarkson Page here: Also be sure to check our facebook and instagram pages for updates!