

Sophia "Circe" Kiernan

Number: 8

Class of 2024

Circe is a part-time handler and full-time menace. If she has the disc, you better cut in quick or she's throwing a stall 2 scoober!


Ryan "NECC" Fish

Number: 50

Class of 2024

This former cross country and track runner was turned disc connoisseur after joining the team. With his extra thicc dumpy, NECC runs across the field like a flying flounder ready to bid for any disc.


Reilly "Wingz" Avila

Number: 5

Class of 2024

My friends call me Garlic Parmesan


Nick "Spoons" Frost

Number: 34

Class of 2023

Spoons started playing ultimate freshman year and is still learning the rules. His favorite clothing article is slippers for his poorly circulated feet.


Will "Maylbox" Smigel

Number: 99

Class of 2023

Maylbox is fresh out of the Postal Service and ready to send flicks in 3-5 business days. Or stall 10, whichever comes first. Also please stop giving Maylbox your bills, he doesn’t want to pay them either.


Rebekah "Cali" Schaummann


Number: 18

Class of 2023

My favorite tree is the White Pine. I like trees. Haha get it? Cali? Anyways. I'm also pretty decent at frisbee when I'm not tearing my ACL.


Aaron "Mahogany" Brethower

Number: 0

Class of 2022

Always prepared for a sudden Snow storm but only for his hands, this avid user of the stall 1 hammer is a DnD weeb like half of High Dive. For some reason he keeps bleaching his tips.


Adam "Kronk" DiCesare

Number: 19

Class of 2023

Whether he is pulling levers or throwing hammers, it's all coming together.


Garrett "Mario" Willard

Number: 32

Class of 2023

Standing at a towering 5’2” and 125 pounds this ferocious beast may apologize to you in a Canadian accent. He is here not only to chase disks, but also for the snacks that nobody else will eat. Warning: will sleep in the woods.


Carl "Capone" Rodenberg

Number: 22

Class of 2023

Capone might be still figuring out how to throw a flat flick and read a disc, but has quickly learned how to say Bizz and Buzz .


Andrew "Tom-a-Toe" Kipfer

Number: 11

Class of 2023

I like to play board games, soccer, and ultimate frisbee. My dream job is to work for Lego as a set designer. I also love to build things, from Legos to computers to wrist-mounted flame throwers, and have even made a few of my own custom board games.


Thomas "Spades" Meyer

Number: 35

Class of 2023

As the son of Exxon, one of my only obligations is to challenge everyone on the team to a game of chel. With zero frisbee experience before Clarkson, I was PR for good reason.


Alex "Snipes" Cohen

Number: 42

Class of 2023

Being one of the shortest on the team, Snipes has on multiple occasions been skyed with the defender not even having to jump.


Maggie "Cairo" McDonald

Number: 13

Class of 2023

Gotta represent the women on High Dive.


Giancarlo "BEEEEP" Desena

Number: 4

Class of 2023



Aaron "Spigot" Kummer

Number: 85

Class of 2022

Spigot is the tallest captain. Tossing pizzas made him a half-decent flat baller. Somehow avoids all photos.


Benjamin "Lenny" Bates

Number: 18

Class of 2022

Hailing from the “city” of Burlington, Vermont, this 2 time state champion will not hesitate to tell you about his 2 separate state championships. Not only is that more state championships than Sam “turbo” Luxenberg they were both also open tournaments. In addition to having more state championships than turbo, Lenny also is faster (both pre and post injury) and taller.


Nick "Rambo" Niles

Number: 23

Class of 2022

Rambo is the king of all baseball boys as he no longer plays due to weak knees and a horrible ERA. Now he just throws flatballs around to try to look cool.


Joseph "Atlas" Bernick

Number: 16

Class of 2022

Atlas is the proud owner of High Dive’s weakest collarbone. He demonstrates time after time that yes, size does matter. He has an unhealthy obsession with meatballs, and one day hopes to become unbanned from subway.


Reid "Sydney" Heisler

Number: 41

Class of 2022

Well, I think mating for life is stupid. I mean, there's plenty of Syd to go around. "Ice Age ~2002"


Samuel "Turbo" Luxemberg

Number: 10

Class of 2023

Once called an over confident short handler by a fellow teammate turbo is known for exactly that. He breathes frisbee and is faster than Lenny when not injured. During his free time you can find him at temple or in his bed because he is lame and never goes out.


Craig "Lewcy" Niehaus

Number: 9

Class of 2020

This “expert” carpet salesman is the real deal. While his basketball ball skills haven’t fully transferred to the ultimate field, this human tennis ball is tall enough to sky most people without jumping. Last seen shirtless yelling at the TV.


Nick "Moses" Cifuni

Number: 77

Class of 2020

The West Wing’s receptionist, also known as the world’s lightest sleeper with the world’s loudest voice. Definitely not the guy you want to sneak up on.


Steven "Malk" Criscione

Number: 96

Class of 2020

After playing frisbee for many years in the swanky streets of Albany, Malk has his own range of iconic sound effects including his back cracking like a glow stick. He can yeet a bottle across a street but still cant complete a full field huck.


Cameron "Moby" Smith

Number: 6

Class of 2020

Moby has been the designated driver for High Dive since Fall of 2016. WamBam Cam reads the Ultimate Frisbee rulebook every single night after eating a maple creamie and before dreaming about skiing. His moderate frisbee skills have been impeded by a sports hernia but that still hasnt stopped him from constantly telling all of us that we're wrong.


Nick "Sidewalk" Kochersperger

Number: 8

Class of 2020

Sidewalk is tired of you asking how the weather is up there. No, he plays ultimate frisbee, not basketball. He gets it, it’s his only defining quality. Despite his protests, this is the only appropriate heckle we shout at him whenever he does anything remotely interesting on the field. Not even his captain-ship, nor quesadilla making skills can outshine the one simple fact: HE’S SO TALL!!


Antanas "Clues" Bobelis

Number: 72

Class of 2020

He claims he can run really fast, but no one has ever seen that on the field. What we have seen is his impressive (or concerning?) knowledge of deep web memes and trashy pop-punk, in addition to a tolerance for concentrated ethanol that is too damn high. You definitely don’t want to meet his cousin, but his mom makes some amazing apple muffins.


Austin "Beef" Hammond

Number: 69

Class of 2020

Beef is a vegetarian and has been since before he was named. He may have single handedly ensured the team stays mixed. Ask him about his Beef Box.


Garrett "Thad" St. Pierre

Number: 54

Class of 2020

The lesser known Colchester native and the first High Diver on everyone’s bar fight ally list. No one really knows where he disappeared for a year but rumors say he was getting HUSKY. Lives up to his current nickname more than his high school nickname, Carrot seriously Colchester what the frick.


Patrick "Boneyard" Erickson

Number: 90

Class of 2020

This man’s keeps an Excel sheet for the times of every single Ice he’s ever consumed. He even attaches it to his job applications. Too bad his average is a 4, but at least a social fraternity is helping him improve on that.


Matthew "Caesar" LaDuca

Number: 15

Class of 2020

This two time treasurer and one time President has been running the team for 3 years now. Caesar’s teammates would rate his Presidency as “sub-par” and his ultimate skills as “okay I guess”. His most notable achievement is fastest disc time, making him the best swallower and fastest finisher on the team.


Connor "Fiber" Raham

Number: 29

Class of 2020

With an affinity for kangaroos, hockey and self deprecation, this good source of Fiber is everyone's local favorite. Whether it’s stealing a tricycle or being in charge of transporting intoxicated people home, this mans can talk his way out of almost any situation. Ask him about his dogs or his boat, but do so before he's toasted.


Rachel "MoMo" Martin

Number: 64

Class of 2020

Her high doses of sarcasm, constant peace signs and motherly qualities have made her a slightly tolerable member of the frisbee team. Some achievements of MoMos include petting 18 dogs at High Tide and knocking over guys despite the sport being non-contact.


Mike "Captain" Palozzi

Number: 21

Class of 2018

Don't let his appearance fool you; Captain is actually a dolphin that we found in the Clarkson pool and taught to play frisbee.


Nick "Llama" Dastoli

Number: ??

Class of 2018

Possibly the great-great-grandson of Uncle Sam. Has had more ices in 48 hours than you will in your life.


Cam "Skupinka" and Cooper "Trooper" Prior

Number: N/A and #1 in your hearts

Class of 2018

One of us may make weird noises at passing animals, try to attack players on the field, and wants to go for long walks chasing squirrels. The other is a dog.


Peter "Nonami" Vargo

Number: 85

Class of 2018

Nams is one heck of a guy, a decent frisbee player and a real good medic. As a Chemistry major and not a ChemE he got a lot of weird looks but we all came to realize despite his major he belonged on the team


Ryan "Slinky" Carroll

Number: 79

Class of 2017

Please change it to something with a funnel or hammers please


Michael "Cardinal" Protas

Number: 38

Class of 2019

It’s Superman! It’s a Plane! No wait… It’s just a red birdman, trying to sky people, but only having about a 50% success rate. When Cardinal isn’t insisting we play Pick 6, he’s probably watching a Patriots game. He’s proven himself as a much more useful captain than treasurer, and much more aerodynamic after a recent haircut.


Gabrielle "Hermione" Brock

Number: 1

Class of 2021

This witch will accio the frisbee and yeet it into a ditch. She'll be New Hampshire's best defender because no one can call strip on an expelliarmus D. Avada Ke-Yeet!


Kiley "Kingslayer" Stradley

Number: 25

Class of 2021

I said I would be your friend, I never said I would be a good influence


Brandon "ZigZag" Winter

Number: 75

Class of 2024


Old people who like to complain

Buddy "Smoove" Bomze 2024
Bella "Apollo" Turnt 2024
Jonah "Bond" Bajema 2024
Kate "Sonar" Davis 2024
Andrew "Torch" Rogers 2022
Jack "ExXon" Bourikas 2022
Matt "Poof" Rose 2022
Nate "Buttercup" Beaupre 2022
William "Oats" Cleverley 2021
Icy "Roka" McAnulty 2021
Phoebe “Porsche” Christopher 2020
Maureen “El Tigre” O'Brien 2020
Raff “Chef” Manzi 2019
Morgan “Van Joy” Johnson 2019
Mary “Twilight” Marino 2019
Alison "Forrest" Davis 2019
Christian "Nashville" De Parto 2019
Andrew "Beans" Moore 2018
Brian "Paisley" Guntharp 2018
Bruno "Mojado" Winterman 2018
Clifton "Bruce" Amponsah 2018
Courtney "Candles" Maki 2018
Graham "Geo" Campbell 2018
Greg "Juicy P" Burganowski 2018
James-Michael "Nanook" Soha 2018
Kajol "Reggie" Chaurasia 2018
Kevin "Lester" Murray 2018
Liz "Stretch" Miele 2018
Mitch "AcPax" Edson 2018
Monica “Jeannie” Metcalfe 2018
Ryan "Flipper" Carpenter 2018
Adam "Farvah" Graham 2017
Aiden "Chomper" Coutin 2017
Hnat "Inchworm" Peczonczyk 2017
Kendall "Skotch" Gardner 2017
Lexi "E-harmony" Hackford 2017
Luisa "Katara" Barlow 2017
Matt "Bounty" Reluzco 2017
Ryan "Slinky" Carroll 2017
Wyatt "Oilin" Martin 2017
Ashley "Smoove" Alguire 2016
Chris "Dutch" LaDuca (former president) 2016
Ciaran "Pinto" Brown 2016
Danny "Kraken" Miner 2016
Devin "Sawce Baws" Winchester 2016
Erin "Ddddddora" Ryan 2016
Hikari "Cough" Mamata 2016
John "Alvin" Bilardello 2016
Michael "Bootz" Danner 2016
Orri "Fish" Antonsson 2016
Pete "Ladders" Scheutzow 2016
Peter "Scooters" Newman 2016
Scotlynne "Huggins" Rieder 2016
Alex "Jailbait" Trass 2015
Austin "Mrs. Troy" Hill 2015
Ben "Wellen" Doud 2015
Cooper "Kruger" Bowersox 2015
Cory "Arlito" Charbonneau 2015
Craig "Mars" Castricone 2015
Emma Dixon 2015
Eric "Slawww" Slaugh (former president) 2015
Evan "Tassel" Redlinski 2015
Ian "Wheezel" Smith 2015
Jamie "Master" Bates 2015
Joey "Bobby Flay" Quinzi 2015
Josh "New Guy" Bunce 2015
Kalervo "Wildcard" Hyyppa 2015
Kelly "Cupcake" Mulvehill 2015
Marc "Coppi" Coppi 2015
Nathan "Nuter" Elacqua 2015
Ryan "Roethel" Roethel 2015
Sean "Shawshank" Shea 2015
Thalia "Fonda" Frasco 2015
Tim "Lazer" Mather 2015
Travis "Chance" Eaton 2015
Ben "Radio" Petroski (former president) 2014
James "The Don" Vetere 2014
Katelynn "Giant Tiger" Hackett 2014
Nathan "Maxxxii" Bruno 2014
Trisha "Vega$$$" Dupnock 2014
Cameron "Indy" Jones 2013
Cory "Big Wheel" Lavallee 2013
Ryan "Brauny" Braun 2013
Sean "Sean Sullivan" Sullivan (former president) 2013
Brendan "Boogie" LaFleur 2012
Brandon "Nickels" Kelsey 2011 and 2013
Arlo "Arrrmondoo" Dixon 2011
Dan "Dewalt" Charlebois 2011
Charles "In Charge" Weisenbach 2010
Kevin "Junior" Vragel 2009

Even more old people whos graduation year is lost

Alec “Goddard” Stuckey
Alek "Ronaldo" Ahrens
Alex "Smalls" Wright
Andre "Dre" Pilette
Andy "Physics" Marder
Andy "Habib" Berryann
Andy "The General" Lee
Anne "Traiter" Parken
Anthony "Acer" Acer (former president)
Betsy Schongar
Bill "Atkins" Feldman
Brian "Fonix" Leventhal
Brian "B-Wass" Wassinger (former president)
Cam "Thunder" Daye
Chris "Joo" DeMaria (former president)
Chris "Maverick" Lloyd
Chris Yager (First President)
Christine "Fatty" Suss
CJ "Schoolie" Kirby
Codie "Comeau" Cain
Cory Weidenbach (former president)
Dan "Lazer" Beem
Danielle Bousquet
Dave Holmes
Doug "Money" Dozark
Emma "Skipsies" Hogan
Greg "Henry" Wenderlich
Gumby (former president)
Holly "Momma Bear" Morris
Jay "Dirtie Hippie" Goodell
James "Pause" Hammond
Jessica "Cowgirl" Marron
Jeff "Wheels" Hamlin (former president)
Joe "Frostbite" Guzzo
John "Rasta" Etzler
John "Casual Sex" Something
John "Stuki" Stukavec
Jon "Dijan" Novak
Jon "JY" Young (former president)
Josh "Crazy Will" Irons
Karen "First Lady" Rusin
Kip "Dip" Dreyfus (former president)
Kris "Kim" Renadette
Laura "Grizzly" Bear
Lisa Dietrich
Lucas "Chum" Wells
Lucian "Gavel" Dacchille
Luke Edsall
Mallory "Ace" Petrie
Mary "Ice" Padasak
Maureen "Justice" Hoen
Matt "Donga" Rowell (former president)
Melissa "You Idiot" Damsky
Mike "Mike Powers" Powers
Mike "Yak" Giacomo
Nick "Diesel" Cegelka
Owen "Kachow" Mears
Pete Ogden (former president)
Ricky "50/50" Plesh
Reed "Rob" Hollinger
Rob "No Show" Reid
Rob (former president)
Robert "Pickles" Brown
Ryan "Bielinda" Bielinda
Ryan "Crocker" Crocker
Ryan "Rage" May
Sam "Schwan" Swan
Sam "Crumples" Begnoche
Sam "Sam and Jason" Barnhart
Samer "Rafiki" Akiki
Sarah "York" Hunte
Scot "Sweets" Purdy
Scott "Strikeout" Berend
Scott "Hints" Tomlinson
Sean "Poonani" Murnane
Steve "Mcqueen" Brindak
Temitayo "Tayo" Odueyungbo
Troy "Coco" Krug
Tung "Ninja" Luong
Will "Pinz" Manchester-Wells
Wyatt "Y-IT" Spellman

Wondering why your player profile isn't here? It's because you a) didn't send me your bio and/or b) didn't send me a photo.