Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal I
The objective of this course
is to provide the undergradute engineering students with the fundamentals of paritcle tranport, deposition and removal. The course material covers analytical, numerical, and experimental methodolgies
for analyzing and predicting a variety of aerosols tranport and deposition including particle adhesion and removal. Industrial and envoironmental applications including
surface cleaning are covered. (syllabus)  |
Fluid Mechanics of Aerosols
The objective of this course is to provide the gradute engineering students with the fundamentals of paritcle tranport, deposition and removal. The course material covers analytical, numerical, and experimental methodolgies for analyzing and predicting a variety of aerosols tranport and deposition including particle adhesion and removal. Industrial and envoironmental applications including surface cleaning are covered. (syllabus)  |
Particle Transport, Deposition, and Removal II
The objective of this course is to provide the gradute students with advances in paritcle tranport, deposition and removal. The course material covers advanced compuitational and experimental methods. Aerosols tranport and deposition turbulent flows will be covered. Industrial and envoironmental applications including tranport processes in fitration devices, indoor and outdoor environments and respiratory depositin are covered. (syllabus)  |