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Engineering Mathematics
Review of Viscous Flows
Review of Computational Fluid Mechanics

Particle Adhesion
Simulation Methods
Experimental Techniques
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The National Science Foundation
ME 537 The National Science Foundation
Introduction to Aerosols | Drag, Lift Forces | Aerosol Kinetics | Virtual Mass, Basset Forces & BBO Equation | Nonspherical Particles | Brownian Motions | Particle Deposition Mechanisms | Electrodynamics | Aerosol Coagulation |

Brownian Motions

Computer Simulation Procedure

As noted before, the Brownian force n(t) may be modeled as a white noise stochastic process. White noise is a zero mean Gaussian random process with a constant power spectrum given Equation (3). Thus,

, (25)

The following procedure was used by Ounis and Ahmadi (1992) and Li and Ahmadi (1993). Choose a time step (The time step should much smaller than the particle relaxation time). Generate a sequence of uniform random numbers, &;(between 0 and 1). Transform pairs of uniform random numbers to pairs of unit variance zero mean Gaussian random numbers. The can be done using the following transformations:



The amplitude of the Brownian force then is given by

The entire generated sample of Brownian force need to be shifted by , where U is a uniform random number between zero and one.

Figure 2. Numerically simulated Brownian force.

Dr. Goodarz Ahmadi | Turbulence & Multiphase Fluid Flow Laboratory | Department of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering
Copyright © 2002-2005 Dr. Goodarz Ahmadi. All rights reserved.
Potsdam, New York, 13699