Particle Deposition Mechanisms: Mass Diffusion
Diffusion in a Stream in a Tube
The equation governing the convective diffusion in a tube is given as
where U is the mean velocity in the tube. In a coordinate system
moving with the mean fluid velocity U, Equation (54) may be restated as
where the axial diffusion
is neglected.
For zero flux to the wall, the boundary condition at the tube surface is given as
As a first approximation,
in the moving
frame is negligibly small and
Now solving Equation (56) for c, it follows that
Using (59) in (60), the value of
may be evaluated and then
The total flow of substance across the pipe then is given by
The flux
has the same form as Fick's law with an effective diffusivity
In the next approximation we drop the assumption that
Equation (65) is applicable if the Peclet number, satisfy
If a certain amount N of substance is introduced at , that is
Then the solution to Equation (65) is given as
Variation of concentration as a function of space and time are shown in Figure 5.
It is seen that the concentration travels like a wave but also dispersed along it path.
