2021 / 2019 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013

2021 Events

August 2021:  Drs. Wriedt and Mueller offered an intensive 5-day Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SCXRD) workshop on “Getting the Best Structure from your Diffraction Data”.

2019 Events

August 2019:  Drs. Wriedt and Näther offered an intensive 4-day Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SCXRD) workshop on “Problems, Errors & Pitfalls in Single Crystal Structure Analysis“.

The generosity of our sponsors and a fantastic organizational team made this workshop with 23 participants a great success!

See press release for detailed workshop description.

Additional links for your reference: List of sponsors and original workshop flyer.

2016 Events

2015 Events

2014 Events

Graduate Student Symposium, Clarkson University,
Dec. 17, 2014, Hubert Bilan.

Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Seminar,
Clarkson University, Nov.14, 2014, Darpan Aulakh and Mario Wriedt.

Dr. Charles Campana (Bruker AXS, Madison, WI) visited Clarkson on Oct. 22-24, 2014. He presented a general introduction into X-ray Crystallography within the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Seminar Series. The other days he held intense work-shops with focus on problem crystal structure and twin refinements. Thank you very much to Christian and Chuck for their  inspiring presentations and lectures!

Prof. Dr. Christian Näther (University of Kiel, Germany) visited Clarkson on Sep. 17-25, 2014. During his stay he presented about his research on drug polymorphism and magnetic coordination polymers at the David A. Walsh ‘67 Arts & Sciences Seminar Series and the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Seminar Series respectively. The former seminar was co-sponsored by the American Chemical Society Northern New York Section.

He also held a campus-wide seminar on single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction and a workshop on problem crystal structure refinements. You can find video recordings of his lectures here.

His visit was completed with an exciting 10 hour hike on NY’s highest peak, Mt. Marcy (5,344 ft elevation).

Dr. Wriedt Organized Summer Academy in Switzerland

Organizers Dr. Wriedt (third from right) and Dr. Sculley (first from left) and their group of students from the German National Academic Foundation.

Invited from the German National Academic Foundation, Dr. Wriedt and Dr. Sculley organized a two-week workshop on advanced porous materials and their placement within our energy landscape. The workshop was held in Leysin, Switzerland from August 10-23, 2014.

Their discussions were focused on carbon capture materials and a future hydrogen/methane economy.

See a detailed report here, authored by participant Stefan Backes, University of Bonn, Germany.

Field trip to the world’s largest particle accelerator,
known as CERN, in Geneva.

Wriedt Lab’s Undergraduate Researchers Featured in Clarkson Video

Jessica Burl (L) and Xulan Deng (R) working with our Adsorption Analyzer (Micromeritics ASAP 2020) and
Powder X-ray Diffractometer (Bruker D2 Phaser).

The Wriedt group’s undergraduate researchers attended the 17th Annual Summer Symposium on Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) at Clarkson University on July 31, 2014.

Kyle Ventura, Jessica Burla and Xulan Deng were honorable mentioned for their oral presentation.

Congrats Kyle, Jess, Xulan, Chris, Julio, Veronica and Josh for your great presentations!

Jessica Burl, Xulan Deng, Session Chair Prof.
Sulapha Peethamparan and Kyle Ventura (L to R).
Kyle Ventura, Xulan Deng and Jessica Burl (L to R).
Christopher Grzymala (L) and Julio Inga (R).Veronica Bagundes.
Group photo: Julio Inga, Xulan Deng, Veronica Bagundes,
Joshua Pyser, Wen An, Darpan Aulakh, Christopher Grzymala,
Kyle Ventura, Jessica Burl and Mario Wriedt (L to R).
Joshua Pyser.

Group Hike on Cascade Mountain (4,098 ft) in Kenee, NY. It was a beautiful sunny day on July 30, 2014. Jessica Burls, Xulan Deng,
Josh Pyser, Darpan Aulakh, Chris Grzymala, Veronica Bangundes, Wen An, Mario Wriedt, Kyle Ventura and Julio Inga (L to R).

Northern NY American Chemical Society Reserach Symposium, SUNY Plattsburgh on April 26, 2014
Darpan Aulakh, Wen An, Nick Multari and Kyle Ventura (L to R)

The Wriedt group’s undergraduate researchers attended the 16th Annual Spring Symposium on Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) at Clarkson University on April 12, 2014.

Kyle Ventura was awarded for the best oral presentation in chemistry and Juby Varghese, Anthony Nicoletta and Joshua Pyser were honorable mentioned for their poster presentation in chemistry.

Congrats Kyle, Juby, Anthony, Josh and Nick for your great presentations!

Kyle Ventura (R) and Chemistry Session Chair
Professor Devon Ship (L).
Kyle Ventura (L) and Provost Chuck Thorpe (R).
Juby Varghese, Anthony Nicoletta and Joshua Pyser (L to R).Joshua Pyser, Anthony Nicoletta, Provost Chuck Thorpe and
Juby Varghese (L to R).
Nick Multari (L) and Kyle Ventura (R).Anthony Nicoletta, Kyle Ventura, Mario Wriedt, Nick Multari, Joshua Pyser,
Juby Varghese and Darpan Aulakh (L to R).

Group Hike on St. Regis Mountain in Paul Smith, NY. It was a 6 hour hike for the 2,874 ft under partly snowy conditions on Apr. 19, 2014.
Darpan Aulakh, Kyle Ventura, Wen An, Josh Pyser, Anthony Nicoletta, Juby Varghese, Mario Wriedt and Nick Multari (L to R).

Annual Institute for a Sustainable Environment Poster Session, Clarkson University, Feb. 07, 2014,
Anthony Nicoletta, Kyle Ventura, Juby Varghese, Darpan Aulakh, Wen An, Mario Wriedt and Nick Multari (L to R).

                                                               Kyle presents his poster to Provost Chuck Thorpe                   Darpan and her poster.

2013 Events

Christmas Group Party 2013, Kyle Ventura, Nick Multari, Darpan Aulakh, Anja Wriedt and Mario Wriedt (L to R).

Annual School of Arts & Science Graduate Student Symposium, Clarkson University, Dec. 06, 2013,
Nick Multari, Kyle Ventura, Darpan Aulakh and Mario Wriedt (L to R).