Wind Tunnel
Class 10 Soft Wall Clean Room (Mini-Environment)
Isokinetic Sampling Probe
Particle Image Velocimeter (PIV)
Granular & Two-Phase Simple Shear Flow Devices
Hot Gas Experimental Filtration System
Image Analysis Equipment and Software
Stereolithography and Rapid Prototyping System
Laser-Doppler/Phase-Doppler Anemometer (LDA/PDA)
Gas Hydrate Experiment
High Performance Computing Systems & Resources
- Eight-node dedicated cluster of Sun Ultra 10 Workstations
capable of 32 and 64-bit processing for a variety of programming
applications and environments.
- Seventeen High Performance Sun Ultra, IBM RISC & DEC
Workstations and dozens of Intel-based PCs enabling both serial and
parallel processing.
- Supercomputer Time Allocation at the University of San Diego
Single & Multiphase Fluid Flow Software Packages
- SPRAY Code
- Granular Flow Simulation Code
- Two-Phase Flow Simulation Code
- FLUENT v.4, v.6, Gambit
- Hydrate Modeler (FLUHYD)
- Tecplot v.10