is the last unsolved problem of classical physics.
Turbulence occurs in most engineering and environmental fluid flows. In
many cases of natural and industrial significance, the turbulent flow consists of
multiple phases and includes suspended particles. These suspensions may
take the form of aerosols of solid particles and/or fluid droplets. Dust storms in
deserts, sediment transport in rivers, atmospheric pollution, pneumatic transport
in pipes, and the formation of
fuel sprays are a few examples. Multiphase particulate flows occur in
coal combustors,
pulverized coal boilers,
filtration systems [indoor air, outdoor air] ,
glass furnaces,
inhalation drug delivery devices,
electrophotographic machines,
chemical-mechanical polishing,
and many other industrial processes. Control of microcontamination in microelectronic and
imaging industries also requires knowledge of multiphase flows.
The Turbulence and Multiphase Flow Laboratory at
Clarkson University has been
working closely with both federal and industrial partners including
IBM, as well as a consortium of industries within the
New York State CAT Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), and the
newly established Center for Integrated Multidisciplinary Partnership for Research
in Industrial Turbulence (IMPRINT).
The Turbulence and Multiphase Flow Laboratory is primarily concerned with providing
a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that control turbulent multiphase flows, including the
transport, deposition and removal of particulate matter. The primary objective is to develop
predictive models for the
behavior of dilute and dense turbulent multiphase flows (including aerosols and granular flows).
The other main goal is to provide a detailed understanding of the effect of particle shape and
flexibility on particle deposition and removal, as well as the dynamics of multiphase systems.