Computer Modeling of Ash Particle Transport to Boiler Surfaces
It is known that ash particles are not uniformly distributed in boilers, and segregation occurs
based on particle size and composition (density). Typically, heavy (iron-rich) ash falls to the
bottom of the boiler, while the light ash remains suspended and is transported by the hot gas.
Depending on particle size and density (composition), some ash particles penetrate the boundary
layer and deposit one the boiler walls, while others are swept away by the gas flow and leave
through the exhaust. As a result, the rate of deposition and the composition of deposited ash
may vary from region-to-region within the boiler.
The main objective of this project is to provide a fundamental understanding of transport and
deposition of coal-ash in boilers. The general goal is to develop a procedure for using the available
computational tools to optimal design the future industrial boilers. The specific objectives are:
- To provide a fundamental understanding of particle transport and deposition in industrial boilers.
- To perform a comprehensive set of computer simulations for the CONSOL pilot-scale furnace.
- To verify the computational model by comparing the ash deposition rate and composition with the
experimental data for the CONSOL pilot-scale boiler.